04-11-2024 | To appropriate $5,236,000.00 of the dividends collected by the Commonwealth Economic Development
Authority (CEDA) from the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) for the Twenty Five Percent
(25%) retirees’ pension for all retirees of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. | PL23-18 |
| To authorize DOF to pay obligated 25% retiree death benefits | 20-57 |
01-26-2018 | To allow annuitants to enroll in the Commonwealth government health insurance program | 20-40 |
12-15-2017 | To appropriate $22 million Casino GRT for 25% payments of full benefits and retiree bonus | 20-35 |
12-15-2017 | To address concerns of the SF Trustee and reserve funds generated from the Casino Gross Revenue Tax | 20-34 |
09-26-2017 | Settlement Fund Revolving Account | 20-33 |
09-25-2017 | To appropriate funds to cover or suppelement the payment of 25% of all class members’ full benefits and a bonus | 20-10 |
| To appropriate $7.1 million to pay balance of annual payments for FY 2014 and FY 2015 | 20-09 |
02-18-2016 | Appropriated $1.8 million to cover 25% payments for retirees and surviving beneficiaries of the Third Senatorial District | SLL 19-12 |
12-19-2016 | Supplemental Appropriations for FY 2017 (bonus to retirees and beneficiaries) | 19-75 |
09-28-2016 | Appropriations and Budget Authority Act of 2017 | 19-68 |
| To create a Justice Center Fund Revolving Account for certain fees collected by the CNMI Judiciary, which shall be applied to the outstanding balance of the judicial building mortgage in the event the USDA loan proceeds have not be disbursed; and authorizing the CNMI to enter into a loan agreement with the USDA for up to $15 million to pay off the judicial building mortgage and for the expansion and improvement of the Judiciary and other facilities | 19-67 |
02-18-2016 | To allow SOF to expend revenues allotted to the NMIRF without appropriation to fund the 25% pension payments | 19-36 |
02-18-2016 | Amendment to authorize the Governor’s reprogramming authority for 25% pension payments | 19-35 |
09-29-2015 | Appropriations and Budget Authority Act of 2016 | 19-08 |
09-16-2014 | Appropriations and Budget Authority Act of 2015 | 18-66 |
07-11-2014 | Allocates $2 million of the annual license fee to the First Senatorial District to be appropriated to fund the 25% payments of the First and Second Senatorial Districts, and a portion of the $25 million annual casino license fee paid in the first year to be appropriated to pay the 25% payments of the Third Senatorial District, and $10 million of subsequent annual license fees to be appropriated for the 25% payments of the Third Senatorial District | 18-56 |
07-01-2014 | Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2014 | 18-53 |
12-13-2013 | To establish a special account to cover the 25% payments | 18-30 |
09-18-2013 | Appropriations and Budget Authority Act of 2014 | 18-18 |